2020 has been one crazy year for everyone—especially leaders and organizations.
Everything is different and there is simply no going back to “how it was.”
Friedrich Nietzsche famously said, “what does not kill me makes me stronger.” As leaders we must focus on the blessing of Covid, we must see our current situation as a chance to grow stronger; rethink process; and not just survive, but ultimately thrive.
The leaders and organizations that adapt will be the ones who will ultimately thrive in their mission.
Right now, as you begin to think of your new reality and how you will lead during this new world you must do two things:
- Call an audible and
- Collaborate.
Call an Audible
Simply put, the game has changed.
If you want to win, you will need to change your formation. As leaders, more than ever we are on the “line of scrimmage” of our organizations and as our world shifts and changes we must, with courage, change the play.
What your organization needs is not a half lustre attempt at doing the same thing you once did, but they need a leader that sees the current climate; adjusts the formation; effectively communicates the “audible”; and then with courage and passion makes the play happen.
Collaborate, Collaborate, Collaborate
As everything is shifting, you, the leader, must proactively surround yourself with others that are “harder, better, faster, stronger.”
Confucius famously said “If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.”
If you are going to lead and thrive, not just survive, you must collaborate and surround yourself with a team that is smarter then you. As we survey the new world, it is clear there is too much for one person to handle. As a leader that desires to thrive, more than ever, now is the time to recognize our own weaknesses. You must collaborate with others.
To be a collaborative leader you must do the following:
1. A collaborative leader will be self-reflective. This will involve an incredible amount of honesty, a critical mindset, and a willingness to actually admit, you might not know the answer.
2. A collaborative leader will be focused on their strengths. No doubt that you are leading your organization because you are strong at something. The truth is that your mission will be fulfilled by utilizing your strengths and surrounding yourself with others whose strengths are your weaknesses.
3. A collaborative leader will be creative. You have self reflected, you are focused on your strengths and now you must get creative. Likely your budget will not allow you to hire a team that balances you out. The solution is to collaborate and partner with an existing team that will allow you to thrive in your strengths knowing the team your partnering with will do the same and thrive in their strengths.
4. A collaborative leader will be humble. Of course it is hard to self-reflect and admit we do not know everything, but that is okay; in fact it is more than okay, it is simply the “smart” thing. Your mission is bigger than you, and you need to get out of the way, and humbly set aside your “playbook”, ask for help, and be part of a team that will allow your organization to thrive in their mission.
As leaders, on the line of scrimmage during this season, and as we all guide our organizations, we must be willing to call an audible and lead through collaboration.
It is only then that we will thrive in our missions.